
A New Christian College
is Born in the Philippines

Why fogg christian college?

We live in a world that desperately needs the Gospel.

At Fogg Christian College, we are equipping Christians called by God for a lifetime of service and ministry—sharing the saving grace of Jesus Christ in communities and Churches across the world.

Our faculty and programs instill a commitment to the sufficiency of Scripture which sets our students apart. We are training men and women with the Word of God to share the Good News that transforms broken people and leads them to God.

When you choose Fogg Christian College, you are part of a community of servants, leaders, and equippers who “preach the Word and reach the world for Jesus.”

We believe that the best way for students to learn how to effectively witness and minister to their communities is through personal evangelism. In addition to the academic requirements at Fogg Christian College, all students are equipped to live on mission, with countless opportunities to serve and share the gospel.

Our evangelistic programs train and challenge our students to light the way by sharing their faith on a regular basis and getting involved with Gospel-centered ministries. Students dedicate time each week to one-on-one evangelism, feeding hungry children in their home villages every week and hosting annual Vacation Bible Schools and annual Family Camps while serving every weekend in their respective local churches.

Education is costly, but ignorance will cost far, far more

The primary responsibility of every Christian is to tell other people about Jesus


Faculty-to-student ratio

We offer bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree programs


Generous donors pay for all tuition costs

Our mission

Fogg Christian College exists to develop Christ-centered men and women with the values, knowledge and skills essential to impact the world for Jesus Christ through excellent education and intentional discipleship in submission to Biblical authority.

our vision

To see the Ilocos Norte region of the Philippines transformed by the gospel through highly trained and effective ministry leaders.​

Teaching someone to fish rather than giving them a fish is the first step. Teaching someone to be fishers of men who teach others to fish – that's our Biblical mission.

our history

Identifying the need

In 2011, Dr. Chris Hughes was invited to join a mission team from Ohana Baptist Church in Honolulu, Hawaii, to visit the Ilocos Norte Region of the Philippines. After the initial visit, Dr. Hughes felt God calling him to openly engage in ministry in the Philippines through his evangelistic organization, Salvation Ministries. Dr. Hughes began to preach Revivals and Crusades in the Philippines and train Churches how to hold Vacation Bible Schools. As hundreds and thousands of people came to know Jesus Christ, a need was seen to train Christian, Bible believing and Bible preaching Pastors who believed in the sufficiency of Scripture.


In 2015, Chris Hughes invited his mission partner, Tal Fogg, to join him on a trip to the Philippines to identify sixteen Pastors whom they would train and engage to join Salvation Ministries as Church planting partners in the Philippines.

Developing the blueprint

Over the next five years, these sixteen Godly men planted nearly forty Churches and lead over 7,000 people to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. The need to train Pastors grew and Hughes and Fogg earnestly pleaded with God to show them a way and to provide the needed funds to provide formal seminary training.

Hughes began to visit prominent Christian universities and seminaries cross the United States of America to learn best practices and develop a potential curriculum for future students while Tal Fogg began an earnest fundraising effort. Through an act of Divine Intervention, the Lord provided a significant amount of funds to Tal Fogg. With the funding and curriculum in place, a new organization was created to fund the college, The Fogg Christian Foundation.

Expanding impact

In 2022, the Board of Directors unanimously elected Dr. Chris Hughes as its first Chancellor. Under Board President Fogg’s and Dr. Hughes’ leadership, Fogg Christian College began to offer bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree programs in order to prepare Christian leaders for ministry. Fogg Christian College began by offering online learning and now offers all of its degree programs 100 percent online to those students who need to access an online learning platform. Perhaps most notable is that in its first year since its founding, Fogg Christian College saw more than 1,000 professions of faith through student, faculty, and staff evangelistic efforts.

Fogg Christian College continues to stay true to its mission to develop Christ-centered men and women with the values, knowledge and skills essential to impact the world for Jesus Christ through excellent education and intentional discipleship in submission to Biblical authority and is eager to welcome donors, partners, students, and friends who share our mission to Light the Way.